To successfully create an online portfolio, you need to keep organized. To set-up your portfolio project follow these steps (described in detail below):
- Create a Project Folder
- Outline Your Portfolio
- Gather Work Samples
- Organize Work Samples
- Get a Professional eMail Address
- Sign Up for a Account
Create a Project Folder
Within your class folder in your school Google Drive account, create a new folder and name it Portfolio. This will be the project folder that you will use to stay organized.
Within your new Portfolio folder create three new folders: AV, Document and Images. Within each of these folders you will place copies of items you think best represent what you have accomplished.
Create a new text document and save it in your Google Drive Portfolio folder. Name the new document Portfolio Notes. Within this document type the following:
- Your Name
- A one to two sentence description of what you would like to do after high school.
- A list of the skills you have.
- A list of the things you have accomplished of which you are most proud. These can be from classes, after school activities, hobbies or other things in which you are or have been involved.
Creating an online portfolio allows you to share your accomplishments using a variety of media: print, images, audio and video. Review the list you made of things you have accomplished, then find items that will represent them. For example:
- For an essay or report you wrote, find a copy of the digital version you typed.
- For other digital items (Power-Point presentations, photos, graphics, animations, videos, music, etc.) get a copy of the highest quality version.
- For items that are not already digital files, convert them:
- Flat items such as print documents and photographs: Scan a copy of the them. Click here for tips on how to scan.
- If you do not have a digital file that represents one of your accomplishments, think about how you might represent it digitally:
- If you play a sport, get photos or video of you in action.
- If you have been recognized for your achievement, take a photo of the award you earned.
As you collect digital samples of your work, place them in the appropriate folder
within your Google Drive Portfolio folder:
Audio, video and animation files in the AV folder
- Text documents in the Documents folder
- Photos and graphics in the Images folder
Get a Permanent Professional eMail Address
To make sure you have access to your portfolio after graduating high school, you need a permanent personal email address that has a professional appearance.
For permanence, use a well-established host such as Google or Yahoo. (Google is the best option since it also give you a YouTube account to use for uploading videos.)
- When choosing your address, only include your name and, if necessary, numbers. Do not include any adjectives or nicknames. Refer to Setup Your Email to Look Professional for help.
Sign Up for a Account
Your online portfolio will be a small website. Websites are collections of digital files on a computer that is connected to the Internet. Companies that provide website space are known as hosts. is one of the best free website hosts. If you do not already have a account, please click here to sign up.
As you set up your account do not spend much time picking a theme or worrying about site details. You will be able to make changes later as you develop your portfolio.
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