Project Set-Up | Create the Project Folder |
| Submit a Proposal | Client Background |
Pre-Production | Write the Script | Create a Storyboard |
ProductionRecord the Narration | Edit the Soundtrack | Prepare Images |

After you have your client approved and explored details about them in your approved client background document, you are ready for your PSA’s Pre-Production.


Step 4 – Write The Script

After the teacher has confirmed that your Client Background Paper has been approved, think about who your client is trying to reach, what they need, and how your client will meet their need.

Make a copy of the A/V Script Google Docs Template and save it in your Google Drive PSA project folder.

Rename the template copy PSA-CLIENT-Script-NAME (Substitute a one or two word client name for CLIENT and your first and last name for NAME.)  Make sure you use hyphens instead of spaces.  For example:

Use the copy of the template to  write your script following the AIDA formula:

  • Get the audience’s Attention.
  • Build your potential customer’s Interest by relating your message to their needs.
  • Create a Desire for your audience to act. Provide interesting details about how your audience will benefit from your client’s goal.
  • End with the Action you want the audience to perform. Examples include: visiting a website, attending an event, or calling a phone number.  Make sure your action is simple and clear.

3. Type your script’s narration in the audio column. Keep each sentence in its own row as you follow the AIDA formula.  When you are done, time yourself as you read the script out loud in a normal conversational pace.   Here is an example of a first draft:


Your narration needs to last exactly 15 seconds, so edit your first draft of the script until you can read it out loud in 15 seconds.  Here is the previous example after it has been edited to the correct length:

Once your script narration is complete, use the video column to briefly describe what we will see on the screen.  Since you are creating a motion graphic PSA that primarily uses text, look for key words in the audio column.  These are the words that should be emphasized, so type the words in the video column adjacent to the appropriate audio.  You may also include a graphic in addition to text, but make sure text is the main visual. Refer to this example as a guideline:

When you are done writing your script, review it and make sure all your spelling, punctuation and grammar are correct.  One you are sure your script  is ready,  send an email message to the teacher with the subject PSA Script. In the body of the email include your first and last name, and a shared link to your PSA Script Google Doc.

Step 5 – Create a Storyboard

The next step in creating your PSA is to create a storyboard that follows your approved script.

If you do not have access to a printer take a blank or lined piece of paper and fold it into quarters.  With the paper placed in landscape position, draw lines about one quarter from the bottom of each section.  These lines will separate your drawing from a text description of what is happening in the scene.


If you have access to a printer, print out a copy of the storyboard template and use it to plan out the layout of your PSA scenes.

Refer to your script and use a pencil to sketch the text for your first scene using the first frame of your storyboard. Emphasize key words by making them larger than words that are not as important.  Position all words so they are balanced aesthetically in the frame.  If a frame also has an image, include a sketch of it.

Repeat the process for each scene of your script.  (If you run out of frames, use a second printed story or the back of your plain paper storyboard.)  Some scenes may require more than one storyboard frame.  Number the first frame that represents a scene, and leave frames that follow for the same frame numberless.

Review your completed frames and use an eraser to make changes until you are happy with the layout of each frame.

Here is an example of a completed storyboard:

One you are sure your storyboard  is ready,  take a photo of each page, then send an email message to the teacher with the subject PSA Storyboard. In the body of the email include your first and last name, and attach the storyboard photos.
