Here is how to transfer to your computer video footage that was recorded using the Quicktime format.
1. If you have not already done so, create a folder within your class Google Drive folder and name it after the project you are starting. In this example: Chase2. Attach the memory card holding your video footage to your computer. iMacs have slots to insert SD cards.
Other card types may require an external card reader.
3. After the card loads, close any programs (applications) that are open.
For example: Photos.
4. Open a new Finder window, navigate to the memory card and open it. After opening the memory card in a Finder window, look for the DCIM folder, and double-click to open it.5. You should now see a folder with the name of the camera you used to record. In this example, JVC.
Drag this “JVC” folder to the project folder you created above.
6. In your project folder, rename “JVC” to the date of your recording. Use this format for the date: YYMMDD where YY is the two-digit year, MM is the two-digit month, and DD is the two-digit day. For example, January 1, 2019 would be 190101
Inside your footage folder you should see .MOV files. These are the video recordings needed for editing. You may also see .XML files. These include metadata about your video files.
7. When you record more footage for your project, add each new JVC folder from the memory card to your project folder and rename it with the recording date. As you add more Stream folders to your project folder, you should see something similar to this:
Congratulations! You have placed your video footage on your computer and made it available for editing.